
Hi. I’m Annemarie, Founder of Cusp. Building a seemingly disparate interdisciplinary business to me makes perfect sense :)

It’s not very Kiwi to talk about your “why”, but I’m obsessed with the intersection of art and business. They’re both pure creativity, touch people, live in societal structures, and are enhanced by drawing on eachother.

For the past few years my time has been split between Marketing Management for SaaS companies like Banqer & Forbury, Running Cusp Studio and Music Production. Now I work from both Ōtautahi, in the South Island of Aotearoa, and London.

Meet the Team

  • Annemarie Duff


    A business nerd, Anne is an experienced Marketing Manager in the B2B SaaS space. She’s worked with global B2B companies including Tait, Banqer and Forbury. She builds growth-led strategies for the sales and business goals of our clients, then supports the team to optimise and translate data into ROI.

    +64 27 427 9795

  • Kirsten Marsh


    Kirsten is an experienced Marketing Manager with a wide tech vocabulary, from utilities to education to SaaS. Her strategic design eye and copy expertise makes the technical really cut through, connecting content to your ICP.

  • Kendra Walls


    Our digital guru, Kendra continually optimises all client campaigns. She's a driving force in the local creative scene. Bringing her incredible tenacity to everything she does, we're so glad to have her on the team.

Some background stories from Anne.

Cusp Studio has all the disciplines I care about in one place. There for people who understand the value and connection in collaboration, varied perspectives and following your creative instincts whatever form that comes in.

Growing up in rural New Zealand during the 90’s, the isolation made space for creativity. Those long periods of uninterrupted flow set me up for a life long obsession with making ideas happen. The intersection of creativity and business, they’re both art forms and create connection.

Though business obsessed, I started out my career as a sound-designer in 2010. Soon after, I ran away from an earthquake rattled Christchurch and followed my then-bandmates to Melbourne. There, I stepped into Studio Management and Marketing roles that let me use both the business and creative brain. During that time Cusp began as a side hustle. Since then I’ve had a foot in two worlds; the creativity of growing businesses, and creativity for the arts.